Personal Information Collection List

In order to provide you with Litok's basic features and services, we need to collect personal information generated by you through authorized/provided means when using Litok services. Litok will make every effort to protect your personal security and safeguard your related rights and interests in the process of personal information processing. Below, we will explain the collection details one by one for your quick reference.

User Basic Information:

Information NameContentPurpose
Email AddressUser's email addressUsed for Litok registration and account management
Phone NumberUser's phone number Non-essential, collected when you voluntarily bind your phone number, used for Litok registration and account management
Profile PictureUser's uploaded photo for profile pictureNon-essential, user's voluntary setting
NicknameUser's modified nicknameEssential, user's voluntary setting

User Usage Process Information:

Information NameContentPurpose
Microphone After obtaining your authorization, Litok will identify your recorded voice as text when you actively use Litok for recording, and it will be part of the information. Core service for users to use Litok, providing the functionality or service to convert voice recordings into text
Images (non-essential) After obtaining your authorization, Litok will include your image information as part of the recording file when you actively use Litok for editing recorded text. Non-essential, enriching user's recording file records, providing functionality or service for recording information with images
Location Information (non-essential) After obtaining your authorization, Litok will collect your location information as part of the information when you actively use Litok to save and record location information for recording files. Non-essential, enriching user's recording file records, providing functionality or service for recording location information

This document outlines the types of personal information that Litok collects and the purposes for which it is collected. It's important to understand how your data is being used and stored.

Lita Digital Co., Ltd.